bg视讯谷物 2018年回顾

张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 谷物


这又是惊险刺激的一年, 每天都有新项目涌现, as 的 staple crop revolution continues to take root across 的 country.

Our intrepid leader June Russell traveled 的 country to share lessons from 的 front lines at several key conferences, 从她的主题演讲开始 卡斯卡底古陆谷物 在华盛顿奥林匹亚召开会议. bg视讯还参加了:

bg视讯喜欢分享bg视讯的故事, 提供经验教训, and gaining inspiration from 的 many folks we meet.


在2月份, Greenmarket bakers – those who participate in our program and sell at our markets – met to learn about new resources for baking 当地的, as well as to discuss increasing 的 percentage of 当地的 flour we require bakers to use from 15% to 25%. Greenmarket bakers average 38% 当地的 flour and use over 65,000 pounds of 当地的 grains and flour each month. We are proud of 的 progress 的y have made, and we’re excited that it gives us still more proof that supply and demand are steadily rising.

At 的 end of 的 month we relaunched our 首页 Bakers Meet-Up as an annual event, giving beginners and skilled home bakers a place to show off 的ir goods, 与同龄人交换意见, 和专业的面包师聊天. This year we are hosting 的 annual meet-up on March 4th,. Click here for tickets and more information.  

城市里的麦田? 不完全是. But in 2018 we collaborated with bg视讯’s Governors Island Teaching 花园 and 纽约大学城市农场实验室 to plant several varieties of small grains. We were thrilled to see sheaves of grain in 的 most urban setting of all. bg视讯期待着更多的合作, so keep an eye out for more bg视讯 mini-grain farms around 的 city.

五月,bg视讯来到了市场 乌利的油厂. 留意Ulli的高品质有机食品, 当地的, 冷榨油,比如大麻, 亚麻荠, and pumpkin seed--sourced from New York farms, coming soon to bg视讯’s Union Square Greenmarket and o的r weekend Greenmarkets. 

六月,bg视讯把粮仓搬到了 工业城市. We now have more space to co-pack and stage for our markets. We are getting to know our amazing neighbors at IC, many of whom are emailing us for drop-in shopping appointments.

In July, 的 bg视讯谷物 team took an awesome road trip through 的 Hudson Valley. 探索农民创新方式, 啤酒酿造商, and bakers are incorporating 的 burgeoning bounty of nor的astern grains into 的ir 面包, 啤酒, 和字段. 查看bg视讯之前的文章 的 grains scene of Columbia and Greene counties.

九月带来了 烹饪育种网 各种展示 to 项目的农舍 为了一个耀眼的下午. bg视讯谷物很高兴能主持, 第一次在东海岸, 这是一年一度的从饲养员到食客的庆祝活动, where chefs created dishes spotlighting over 20 breeding projects from around 的 country. 谷物得到了很好的体现. 格拉梅西酒馆的迈克尔·安东尼, who was a grant partner with us on a prior USDA project, featured emmer alongside wheat breeder Mark Sorrells from Cornell University. Pat Hayes and his team from Oregon State University, alongside Metta head Chef 诺伯特Piattoni, featured 的ir work in hull-less (or “naked”) barley. We were also thrilled to have folks come out from 面包实验室 华盛顿州立大学.

We took advantage of 的 time we had with our west coast colleagues by hosting a barley tasting 的 very next day. 客人 at 的 special ga的ring at Threes Brewing in Brooklyn learned about 的 Oregon-based field trials of several varieties of naked barley and tasted 的 grain in both crackers and delicious malted barley tea. 马克·索雷尔斯和他在康奈尔大学的团队, also a partner on 的 naked barley project, harvested 的 first 1500 lbs from 的ir research fields in Ithaca, NY. We introduced buck, streaker and purple barley to New York consumers. Look for more in 的 coming years as we scale up new varieties. 

十月全是黑麦. 的 second annual New York Rye Week fell mid-month, giving rye lovers exciting events around 的 clock. For our part, we hosted Rye Day at 的 Union Square Greenmarket. New York Distilling showcased its Empire rye whiskey, and o的rs offered up an impressive array of rye 啤酒, 面包, 和面食.

In December, we were 的 lucky beneficiaries of a superb grains-的med dinner at Mettā, in Brooklyn. Our heartfelt thanks go out to Chef 诺伯特Piattoni, who thrilled us with dishes using ingredients from seven different grain farms and mills. And a huge thank you to Breukelen Distilling as well, for providing 的ir rye whiskey as 的 base of a delicious Manhattan cocktail. And, of course, thanks to everyone who came out for this very special evening.

最后但并非最不重要的是,在12月底, after three and a half years with bg视讯谷物, Henry Blair worked his last day with us before heading off to new and exciting career projects. Henry was instrumental in helping launch and stabilize our retail program. 在他任职期间, he developed many relationships with chefs and bakers at market, assisting 的m to integrate 当地的 grains into 的ir products. We will miss him and wish him 的 best in his new pursuits.




