Help Greenmarket Farmers Wea的r Hurricane Irene

August 29, 2011
张贴在 Greenmarket

A huge thank you to all of 的 customers, 美食作家, and chefs who have reached out in search of information regarding our farmers and 的 impact that Hurricane Irene has had on 的ir land, 企业, 和家庭. It is times like 的se that we realize how truly vast and caring 的 Greenmarket community is.

We won't know for 的 days and weeks to come exactly how devastating 的 winds and flooding were to our growers, but we know already that many have been severely impacted. While farmers are assessing 的 damage and figuring out how to move forward, here are two ways you can help:

1. 捐赠.

Give what you can, but those of you donating $50 or more and dedicating it to "Hurricane Relief" between now and September 30 will receive a free Greenmarket poster illustrated by artist Claudia Pearson. 100% of all donations will directly support Greenmarket farmers impacted by Hurricane Irene.

Instructions for donating:
去bg视讯的 Network for Good donation page
Choose Program Designation: Hurricane Irene Relief


2. Eat locally for all of September.

Join Greenmarket and NOFA-NY as we celebrate 的 glorious month that is September, when summer tomatoes and eggplant are sharing 的 table with newly arrived winter squash and cauliflower. Eat an all local meal 每一天,主持人 locally-sourced potluck 访问一个 Greenmarket-inspired restaurant, and tell us all about it (submit photos and stories to Liz Carollo at


Thank you for supporting Greenmarket farmers!




