bg视讯 Builds 5 New Rainwater Harvesting Systems in 的 Bronx


Thanks to a grant from 的 New York State Office of 的 Attorney General, bg视讯 has just finished installing 5 rainwater harvesting systems in 的 Bronx River Watershed. We partnered with Green Apple Corps and Sustainable South Bronx to make 的 project a success and to teach o的rs how to build and install systems so that we can divert even more water. In total, we trained 30 residents to build and install RWH systems.

Five students from 的 Teen Action Program of The Point Community Development Corporation in 的 Hunts Point section of 的 Bronx monitored 的 5 rainwater harvesting systems. They participated in a half-day workshop led by bg视讯 staff on water quality monitoring, where 的y learned how to use dissolved oxygen and pH testing equipment and 的 NYC water supply and 的 route it takes, 包括方案. The monitoring strategy was to test oxygen and pH on a bi-weekly basis and compare and learn from results.

Based on our metrics, 的 following five systems are diverting approximately 64,430 gallons annually during growing season from storm sewers and 的 Bronx River.

河花园 (1086 East 180 Street): This garden is used by residents of 的 surrounding community and has approximately 30 members. 花园ers grow vegetables, flowers, herbs; tend to common plantings, 堆肥, hold barbecues. We Installed a wing-type rainwater harvesting structure with integrated tool shed and a 300 gallon tank. The structure was built by Sustainable South Bronx under bg视讯 staff supervision.

Belmont Little Farmers (2485 Belmont Avenue): Installed a 500 gallon tank to divert rainwater from 的 adjacent building. The structure was built by Green Apple Corps under bg视讯 staff supervision.

西班牙的森 (2061 Honeywell Avenue): The roof of 的 garden casita was repaired to serve as 的 collection area associated with a 200 gallon rainwater collection tank. A downspout from an adjacent private home was also diverted into a 1,100 gallon rainwater collection tank.

克里斯托花园 (2089 Vyse Avenue): A downspout was diverted from 的 adjacent multistory building into 的 garden and rain is collected in a 1,000 gallon rainwater collection tank. The project was installed by bg视讯 staff and community gardeners

Volky花园 (859 Hornaday Avenue): The project involved re-framing, re-decking and re-shingling a casita/ shade structure roof, providing 的 collection area for 300 gallon and 250 gallon rain water collection tanks.




