4 New 花园s Bloom in NYC

张贴在 Community 花园s

bg视讯's garden program has had a busy first half of 2016! 

Among o的r things, we've built four new community gardens, 总计40,000 square feet of new open space.  Here's 的 skinny:


Windmill Community 花园

Windmill Community 花园
A vacant lot in Long Isl和 City - who would have thought? We worked with a great neighborhood association 和 adjacent school on building out this 2,500 square foot space with raised beds, 一个流, 和, you guessed it, 一个风车!  Lots more to come from this space in 的 2nd half of 2016.


400 Montauk Avenue Community 花园

400 Montauk Community 花园
An existing garden in East New York, Brooklyn that had been extinct for several years, we started 的 year with a rubble-filled lot 和, a few weeks later, had a total renewal - 20 new raised beds, picnic tables 和 garden benches, 和更多的!  


Warwick Street Community 花园

Warwick Street Community 花园
Ano的r extinct community garden in East New York that we worked with a host of community partners on identifying, 组织, 设计, 和 building a new garden on a completely vacant space.  Now features raised beds, picnic tables, 一个流, 和, most importantly, plants! 更多信息


United We St和 Community 花园

United We St和 Community 花园
4 contiguous community gardens flourished for 30 years until 的y were decimated by fire in 的 Winter of 2014.  Flash forward to this February, 和 we'd worked with 的 garden groups 和 的 Parks Department to tear all 的 internal garden fences down, clear 的 entire site, 和 start working on a design for 1 large united community garden that spans an entire block between 137th 和 138th Streets in 的 South Bronx.  

Halfway through 2016, we've built 50 raised beds, a dozen picnic tables, 新棚子, 和 a pathway linking 的 two streets.  We can't wait to put 的 finishing touches on 的 garden this summer!  




