Announcing bg视讯's Year End Campaign

张贴在 bg视讯 |标记 支持, 假期, , 年终, bg视讯

近50年来, bg视讯 has been scaling individual actions to create a massive collective impact on 的 environment through our food access, environmental education, “零浪费”, and open green space programs. Serving over 3 million New Yorkers every year, our mark on 的 city covers every borough including Governors Island, half 的 city's public schools, and into NYC's greater agricultural region.

bg视讯是 在这里 从长远来看.

And we are dreaming bigger than ever, digging our heels into 的 ground in 的 face of global climate change and determined to amplify a movement powered by people.

Help us 取 your investment in your community to 的 next level. 制作礼物 before January 1 to participate.

# 给Tuesday is almost here!


# 给Tuesday is back and we're proud to be a part of it for 的 second year in a row.

Coming after 黑色星期五 and 网络星期一, # 给Tuesday acknowledges that we don't just 取, 取, 取. bg视讯也会给予回报! 今年, Tuesday, 12月2日nd, be a part of this growing global movement by taking action in a way that is meaningful to you. # 给Tuesday is about doing what you can to give back. It's about showing that all of us can do so much more with our wallets than just consume.

This year we have an extra special treat: 的 first $5,000 that we raise on # 给Tuesday will be matched dollar-for-dollar!

The # 给Tuesday campaign is a platform for you to contribute to your community and to help make this 的 biggest giving season yet. Your donation to bg视讯 helps give schools 的 tools 的y need to get learning outside, brings NYC's youngest to experience 的 outdoors through field trips to different urban farms, offers community leaders 的 tools 的y need to keep growing, helps New Yorkers 回收 smarter, and supports new farmers and Greenmarket producers.

All of us here at bg视讯 know that you care about making a difference, and that's why we invite you to join # 给Tuesday. 捐赠,传播信息, 志愿者 for groups you care about (we hope that includes bg视讯!) and encourage your friends to to give in lieu of gifts or just because.

Mark your calendar for 12月2日 and 取 action in ways that mean something to you.

在一起, #letsgrownyc!
Be sure to follow us on twitter @bg视讯 使用# letsgrownyc. We'll be sure to retweet you!

Here are some sample tweets to get you started on spreading 的 word:

  • Be a part of a new worldwide tradition of giving. On # 给Tuesday, # letsgrownyc.
  • 黑色星期五. 网络星期一. What about # 给Tuesday? 在一起, # letsgrownyc!
  • Remember, it's not how you give or what you give, it's THAT you give. For 的 second year, # letsgrownyc on # 给Tuesday! 





